You know what’s on my mind this week? Rejection. It’s a really harsh word, isn’t it? It instantly brings up a kind of sick-pit-of-the-stomach feeling for most of us. Rejection is on my mind because it’s come up several times…
Author: Sara Naumann
Whenever I travel, I like to take photos of windows. In fact, along with street art, windows and doors are one of my favorite things to photograph. (Even though I’m always a little afraid someone will pop out of the…
This week I’m preparing for my Lazertran class at Art & Soul in Portland next month. I’m making class kits, contacting students and printing off photos—I’m excited/nervous that a lot more people have signed up for the workshop, and it’s…
Despite yesterday’s rain—and I mean, rain—I headed out for my almost-daily walk in the Vondelpark, part of my goal to get rid of this mushy post-baby stomach. I took Keith’s iPod and listened to the World Book Club podcast, one…
I wasn’t sure that “elapsure” was even a word…turns out, it’s the vocative masculine singular of “elapsūrus” in Latin. Huh. And according to my computer’s dictionary, “elapse” means “to pass or go by, especially in a gradual, slow, or imperceptible…
It’s countdown time to Art & Soul Portland! Oh my gosh… This week I’ve been preparing for my Art & Soul classes, sequencing them and getting the class kits ready and handouts and pulling together all the other things that…
I recently got an email from a fellow Somerset reader. She and her husband were coming to the Netherlands for a vacation and she wanted to know about any flea markets in Amsterdam. Well, there’s nothing I love more than…
Sometimes I just really believe in serendipity. Last week I talked about taking photo walks…well, a package just arrived from my mom, containing the July/August issue of Somerset Life, and inside is an article called “Heading out for a Photo-Walk”…