Just a little house-like building along a little road in the German countryside. Imagine as you will.
This week a new train of thought popped up from some of my previous art journaling pages. I love how art journaling (well, any kind of journaling, or art, for that matter) is like a ball of really lovely hand-dyed…
Class notes, today. For the past few weeks, I’ve been watching online videos from Teach Now—really interesting stuff, if you’re teaching in the art and craft arena. Even more timely since I’ve just gotten done teaching at Art & Soul….
There’s a story about this bus, you just know it. Photo taken in Sopot, Poland. (I mean, can you imagine taking a road trip in this?!? There’s totally a story here.)
This week I’ve been working on my Full Moon Dreamboard, a project I started because of Jamie Ridler Studios—you can visit her site to get the full scoop on Dreamboards. I’m doing the exercises on art journaling pages rather than…
Amid assorted partially-painted papers, a pile of magazines and some random ink cartridges, this is on my desk today: My travel itinerary! I’m headed to Portland for Art & Soul, via Amsterdam (with just enough time at Schiphol Airport to…
Just because nothing says “autumn” quite like a bicycle and books. Photo taken in Amsterdam.
Lately I’ve been journaling about topics that come from a huge variety of sources I’m taking in right now: Kelly Rae Roberts’ Flying Lessons, Laura Hollick’s Soul Art Studio and Teach Now. Each and every one of these classes and…