Happy New Year! 2012 has started out in a very busy fashion for me—probably for you, too! I’m in the midst of receiving a lot of packages at my parents’ house here in Oregon…lots of fun stuff for Art & Soul Virginia. I’ve just got a big box of Ice Resin and some ring blanks and pendants from Nunn Designs, both for my Narrative Jewelry class. Can’t wait to start getting these class kits together!
Registration for Art & Soul Virginia is now open, so if you live in the area (or just want to visit Virginia Beach), please check out the Art & Soul website. It’s March 1-6, and you can take workshops in all kinds of mixed media, from collage to fabric arts to painting and more. The classes are all individual, so you can stay for as many days as you want.
My workshops are:
Sunday, March 4: A Journal of Musings (6:30-9:30)
Monday, March 5: “Trans”-Formative Lazertran Collage (9:00-4:30)
Monday, March 5: Narrative Jewelry (6:30-9:30)
Find out more (and get tempted by all the other cool classes) at the Art & Soul website!